Author: Dailyusastory

Product Description DIY Product (Do it your Shelf Assembly) DIY Product (Do it your Shelf Assembly) DIY Product (Do it your Shelf Assembly) DIY Product (Do it your Shelf Assembly) DIY Product (Do it your Shelf Assembly) PRODUCT DIMENSIONS: Length = 120 cm, Width = 60 cm, Height = 87 cm (47.2 inches x 23.6 inches x 34.2 inches) Monitor riser size : L = 120 cm x W = 20 cm x H = 10 cm and Keyboard tray size : L = 55 cm x W = 32 and Shelves size : L…

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The European Commission has kicked off its project to develop the first-ever General-Purpose AI Code of Practice, and it’s tied closely to the recently passed EU AI Act. The Code is aimed at setting some clear ground rules for AI models like ChatGPT and Google Gemini, especially when it comes to things like transparency, copyright, and managing the risks these powerful systems pose. At a recent online plenary, nearly 1,000 experts from academia, industry, and civil society gathered to help shape what this Code will look like. The process is being led by a group of 13 international experts, including…

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Sara Mote and I founded MOTE agency in 2014. We specialize in ecommerce, providing refined design, cutting-edge engineering, and the highest order of service to an ever-changing marketplace. In my career as a web developer I’ve fostered an appetite for innovation and a focus on crafting websites for brands that want to cultivate enduring relationships with their audiences. Here are some insights gleaned from my 26 years of experience. When designing an ecommerce website, your goal should always be to craft something both beautiful and strategic. Shopify makes it easy to create an ecommerce website that accomplishes both, even if…

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A century ago, the idea of intelligent machines was the stuff of science fiction. Now, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integrated part of daily life. Businesses use it for functions ranging from analytics to logistics, and experts project the global AI market will surpass $826 billion by 2030. For small businesses, some of the most useful AI-powered technologies relate to content creation—using AI to produce videos, images, and written material. Follow along for the benefits and challenges of AI content creation, as well as some of the most popular AI content tools designed to improve your business and marketing…

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Sara Mote and I founded MOTE agency in 2014. We specialize in ecommerce, providing refined design, cutting-edge engineering, and the highest order of service to an ever-changing marketplace. In my career as a web developer I’ve fostered an appetite for innovation and a focus on crafting websites for brands that want to cultivate enduring relationships with their audiences. Here are some insights gleaned from my 26 years of experience. If you’re designing a new website, you’re probably doing so on a desktop computer. But when users view your site, more than half of them are likely coming from a mobile…

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Have you ever found yourself scrolling on a food delivery app, endlessly flicking past pizza, sushi, Thai, and fast food options? Eventually, you make your way back up to the top of the scroll, and that’s when you notice the “Recommended for You” section: a curated list of all the places the app’s algorithm thinks you’ll be interested in.  You are that group of restaurants’ intended audience, or the person they’ve been trying to find. Based on your eating history and what you’ve been clicking on, the app has decided these are the places for you. And you can do…

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The graphical user interface (GUI) is a tech feature that’s so ubiquitous we take it for granted. When GUIs came along in the 1980s, they revolutionized desktop computers. We learned new ways of using computers—including the mouse, and icons we use to save and open files in a desktop environment. For more than 40 years, GUIs have been the de facto way we engage with computer technology.  What problems did the GUI solve? What came before them? Why do we still use them? Are there drawbacks? Let’s dive into the history of GUIs and talk about why they’re here to…

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While the expression “don’t judge a book by its cover” offers valuable wisdom, the reality is that we often judge book covers, movie posters, food labels, and just about everything else, at first glance. A book cover might not give you a deep understanding of its contents, but covers do important work. They can hook your interest and hint at a book’s subject matter. Likewise, Instagram highlight covers can engage users and communicate what type of content they’ll find in your Instagram stories. If you’ve ever wondered how to create effective, engaging Instagram highlight covers, everything you need to know…

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You use search engines like Google to dig through a nearly infinite amount of websites, pages, social media accounts, videos, images, libraries, collections, and files on the internet. If you’re running an online company or ecommerce store, you know that appearing in search engine results can be a major driver of business. Though these tools have worked for decades, powerful technologies leveraging artificial intelligence have recently proliferated. AI-powered search engines use machine learning and natural language processing to help you find the information you’re searching for—and you can also use them on your own website or ecommerce store as a…

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Imagine launching a new pay-per-click (PPC) ad campaign, confident it will boost traffic and conversions. You set it up, sit back, and let your Google Ads campaigns get going. A few weeks later, you check back. After spending thousands on ads, you have few conversions to show for it and no revenue increase. Without PPC optimization, this happens all too often. Great marketers know that maximizing PPC performance is an ongoing process. To see positive results and avoid wasting campaign budgets, you need to constantly tweak and adjust PPC campaigns. For startups or stores with limited funds, a proactive PPC…

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